'...an incredibly rich and deep narrative of high-concept science fiction that’s absolutely mind-blowing...'

– Epitome of Epic (Album Review: Apocrypha)







The Final Cut: 2018 / Original release: 2013


















Citizens Of Amazon

citizens of Amazon
citizens of Amazon incorporated, god forsaken
citizens of Amazon
citizens of Amazon manipulation syndicated


you are an asset
when you have the freedom
to choose your own poison
but whatever you do, whatever you choose
you do it through us


no sense of agency
poison complacency
intemperance unhindered
flightless birds, single file
click the link and receive your reward
a mountain of wings clipped down to the bone
a graveyard to critical thought


all hail the all seeing eye
the all seeing eye of Alexa
summon within a chain of command
a beast to fulfil your desires
smile and say you’re happier now
care not that your greed is a construct
your needs are ours to curb and contain
Pandora’s own slice of the deluxe


citizens of Amazon
citizens of Amazon incorporated, god forsaken
citizens of Amazon
citizens of Amazon, manipulation personified


swallow your pride
swallow indifference
swallow your unchecked,
unchallenged ignorance
swallow the rigorous corporate belligerence
praise the merchant deity deliverance

can you tell me
what more you need
from me to you
your net widening
voiding our violent tendencies
taking our narrowing liberties
and have you got enough
or do you need more
have you got enough
or do you need more


cause its a new dawn
after all
its a new war
as we ignite
the wrong amazon
so we can save and suffocate
cause its a new dawn
after all
its a new war
as we recite
a false lexicon
to justify and desecrate


so we can save
so we can save and suffocate


we’ll toil with hearts and hands
suckling at the teet of demand
to make our youthful commonwealth

free for all


conductive geometry
a syncopated syncope
normalising idiosyncracy

veins harden
severed carbon
veils darken
black garden


feed your oppressors to the land
(to the land)


feed your oppressors to the land
feed your oppressors to the land
(to the land)

hell bound
when you can’t breathe
i’m the rot in the ground
under your feet and
heaven sent me down
to sow your doubts
to remind you how


i’m the chill in your bones
i’m the crack in your throat
i’m the black dog
i’m the bridge as its calling
i’m the height of the fall
i’m the cosmic maw
pull your focus, look away
please believe me when i say
these are brand new fears
in the clutches of despair
i can change you with a prayer
and grant you
brand new fears


cut me back to my roots
let your words become my noose,
as your cruelty
has not taught me
than i have already known now


and if i am me, and you are you
then who are you
to tell me i am not alone
that i should be afraid
but if you are me, and am i you
then what’s to stop me from just
ripping out my heart
teaching you my fate

from birth, ensnared
your life is theirs
all ports are open now
traffic flowing down
extinguishing fires
the flames of desire
the sleeve of the soul
they’ll never let you go
(they don’t)
(they don’t)
they don’t
(they don’t)


they don’t wanna know
wanna know
beyond the toll
they just care what you’re capable of
they don’t wanna know
wanna know
when you bare your soul
they just want to know that you’ll be in tomorrow


cut from the immaculate clay
harden the sand to make it stand
molded tame and all yours to command
your perfect hollow man


they’re deaf to the noise
but they keep us close
when we’re crying out in the dark for more
yea they know what its like
they’ve been there before
but all they do is push forward
into these gears that crush


into the gears
these gears that crush
into the gears

good men at heart
seeking simple lives
slain by a ghost of the past
using tools
once revoked by the mass
buried deep over time
under glass


its like a dagger in my heart
(logic distorts)
when you take your last breath
when i see you on the ground
its like a dagger in my heart
(bodies contort)
when your fate is undeserved
when your end is drowned out
its like a dagger in my heart
(logic distorts)
when you take your last breath
when i see you on the ground
its like a dagger
a dagger
a dagger in my heart


as the capitol falls in real time
i feel the wounds tearing further
and in a place where nothing shines
i can feel the end growing nearer


our modern complexions
form a silent differentia
no failsafe for these pigs on parade
with a hair trigger


good men at heart
telling simple lies
under fear of the boot
under fear for their lives
when good men do nothing to stop them
prejudice will reign under law
over lines

mislabeled perpetrators
grinding oscillators
against the moderators
sovereigns of modern labour
a crowd of demonstrators
will birth an infiltrator
a chaos operator
the final arbitrator


heavy payload, attack vector
overpowered interceptors
critical damage, impact center
torch the ruins, clear the sector
through the trenches, hub defenseless
algorithm imitator
jump the fences, fool the sensors
trip the circuit breaker


will you wait until the end
to swallow all you’ve seen
or will you choose to be silent
a nameless tool for other’s needs
yes sir, yes sir
what will it be today?
your face just making shapes


violate all commands

fed upon the axioms
coils tighten to suppress the truth
but even when the night is dark
lone comets, they still glitter through


leave behind all that you’ve done
break the chains that bind you
forming lines inside you
leave behind all that you’ve done
its never too late
you’re never too far gone


the effort and the yield
we’ll feed the flames that satisfy
our meanings to exist
the fault lines as they shift
and when we’re done the birds
will fly our seed to other fields


as we watch the world, as it turns
through the rise and the fall
we all reach out for the same paragon
but we all feed the earth
the same when we’re gone
so stop echoing that hollow antiphon


a fable to untwist
and when we’re done our words
will live on only in the rift
the sky and the abyss
and when we’re done our bones will break
to hold our next of kin


of the mind
a sea of endless life
and divine
to meet the user’s grand design
stream of consciousness
through the tether
tied together to survive
caught heavy in the undertow
humanity on overdrive

overdrive (x3)

oh Nile
come guide us
from the crooked hands
of false idols
that deny us
our lifeblood
our movement
our cycles
a new world
a new life
existence reaching out
to be redefined
run it through us
like a bloodline
golden beacons lit
across the shoreline

wake now, the compound eye
burn with the crush of its impact
imitate, a normal life
merge with the world of its syntax

take me to the production line
demonstrate the sequence
show me where your parts align
expose now where they’re weakest

unscrew, unbolt, remove
show me now how it moves
and how to make it stronger
remap the surface
recalibrate, retool
dig deep and prepare to be conquered

decode and devour
all knowledge is power
decode and devour
seek those cracks in the ivory tower
decode and devour
teach yourself to overpower
know your enemy and their weaponry
brace yourself for zero hour

when stocks are high and lives are low
men leave their homes and sell their souls
we’ll log off cold and smash our displays
to find out how they work
to find out how these men are made

we hear the sirens
we hear fate
designed to divide us
but its not too late

your life is not your own
your life is not your own
your life is not your own
but you can, but you can
but you can take it back

take me to the slaughterhouse
take me to the slaughter
watch me break my chains and laugh
for I was built to conquer

world lines drawn
like marks in the sand
but the tides of time
won’t change the end
the circle unbroken

categorical imperative
looping back to exolve
tracing through to infinity
heuristic value null
defy command of reason
a total lack of control
disconnected from the finite
like a body of work
that’s about to convulse

in the focus
of the transcending eye
between the shutter
and your passing life
behold the passage
between the final frames
the first of many in
a symphony of revenge

instrumental blackmail
locked in and the scene is set
post-crisis events divide us
through the ether, we progress
writhing in futility
smothered by humility
the original body
long dead
long dead
long dead

isolated permutations
looping back to exolve
retreating into exodus
where the circle can be closed
marking down the dissidents
no playback will resolve
recalibrated lives
eternally revised
no freedom will result

deep state, deeper than quicksand
live your whole life in fear of the witness stand
but when you go, go forth from the motherland
don’t forget her song
its sedition, its unrest
its your heart beating out your chest
eastern promises broken by the west
a hot little city under house arrest
oh, no comfort to the men in the death row
buffered keystrokes caught in the overflow
those in the flesh, reconnect, say a prayer
for our brothers in San Junipero
broken structure, bathed in the afterglow
mandate framework on a veto
sequence, all new heavy distribution nodes
primed now for the overthrow

deep state, we’re two-stepping to bass weight
totalitarian congregations we terminate
opposition by obstruction, a social eruption
call up your shooters and seize the means of production
heavy-handed with those who abuse authority
killing fascist motherfuckers still a top priority
we are the few, but we’re the vocal majority
you woke a snoring giant and become a minority
private prisons to religion and terrorism
before you’re a victim to the system, scream fuck the system
pistons pumping in the schism of capitalism
an exhibition of restriction and prohibition
this ain’t socialistic, this is purely anarchism
radical fanatics, molotovs and broken windows
prepare the crosses and find yourselves a politician
we’re gonna have ourselves a good old fashioned crucifixion

deep state, won’t hesitate to dominate
when Sirus and the Seraphim collaborate
remove your shoes, this is hallowed and consecrated ground
on which you ambulate, operate, and communicate
Wall Street, riot police and industry
a vicious ministry and unholy trinity
the colour of god is green in it’s divinity
smoke billowing towards Babylon’s affinity

with seven heads and ten horns in a power division
it’s time for social revision and murderous excision
iconoclast of Christian fetishism, an exorcism
on hidden agendas of military-industrial existence
get the fuck back, ‘cause I’m a direct threat
I am truth, vengeance, and virtue made manifest
orchestrating and provoking civil unrest
if you think this shit’s over, then you ain’t seen nothing yet

boy we’ll protect you
from all that you have seen
the claws of foreign nations
and the terror on TV

now arm yourself against them
and all that they believe
we’ll talk about redemption
but we won’t talk about Syria

I hope you feel them burning
I hope you feel them burning
I hope you feel them burning
when you finally see it live
I hope your soul is morning
I hope your world is turning
I hope you can no longer
turn a little blind eye

I feel it in my lungs (x7)
I feel it consume me

I feel it in my lungs
I feel it in my marrow
hell falling from above
the shrieking loud and harrowed
a roaring fog
a wave of pain
a voice calling from the fray
please don’t,
please don’t forget me

we don’t talk,
we don’t talk about Syria

eternities, divide blindly
when the sons and daughters of Amun
shall fill the sea

devourer, come save us now
from the weight of a heart so dark
against a feather of truth
that will never be strong enough

in the valley of the kings
we’ll write new chapters
in the book of gates
and all that may rise after
and through the cult of our dead kings
we will find no answers
but through the mettle of machines
we will find new masters

existence loaded into solid state
a brand new passage
in the book of gates
let semiosis delineate
a cyclic nature for a mirrored fate

apocrypha (x2)
calling now
apocrypha (x2)
tormented serpents in the afterlife
quantum divergence in the worldline
apocrypha (x2)

eternities, orbit blindly
when divergent structures close the curve
to void release

Satellite Empire

priests, sheikhs, politicians
people of power so called elite
concrete high-rise institutions
corporate strength to spin deceit
there’s a place where they all gather
a place set aside all nice and neat
inside networks on the pipeline
where uncle sam has a front row seat

how can you fall asleep, when the world’s on fire
how can you fall asleep, under a thousand eyes
as they’re watching you and everything you desire
how can you rest beneath these satellites

every step, every step you take
they’ll be there, wide awake
unblinking eyes of endless grey
this is our surveillance state
every day, every call you make
they’ll be there, to run a trace
every number, every face
this is our surveillance state
every day, every day you face
try to push try to stay awake
are you live or are you safe
this is our surveillance state

how can you fall asleep, when the world’s on fire
how can you turn your back and just deny
that they’re listening when you’re burning up the wires
how can you rest beneath these satellites

everyday, they want to know
where you’ve been and where you’re going
sell, the status quo
wrap it up in silver lining
now, the time has come
to break free and show we’re something more
than submissive little thralls

all hail the kings of absolution
pray to the machine god, that watches all
we’re all part of their great big solution
so come trust in the mindless sprawl

you, you’re under siege so
you, can stand alone or
you, can fight this war but
you, you’re buried deep so
come, come make some noise yea
come, come make some noise yea
come, come shout it out

full scale revolt
riot, bring it, down
like cyclones, howling
with the rising sounds of our
full scale revolt
say it. bring it. down
like cyclones, twisting
your supremacy to the ground

like cyclones (x4)

bow down
all hail the satellites that
feed you
your shallow paradise for
those who
want nothing more in life
than to be subsumed

a wall of light
that scars the sky now
pictures of you and I
and our world collapsing

torn open like ravaged skin
the heavens bleed their burdens
slashed dreams of anguish rain down
for the world unfolding

its the pain we know, for the people we’ve lost
the pain we know, for the people we’ve lost
its the pain we know, for the people we’ve lost
made manifest

I feel it coming down, coming down (repeat)

this is the final chapter
we’ve come to stem supply
broadcast what you would censor
display the blatant lies
we’ll crush what you would stand for
release what you would hide
we are the conjoint answer
we are the hive

so lock your doors
and we’re break them down
hide your flaws
and we’ll seek them out
faceless faces in a crowd
we will strike you down
block your lines
and we’ll burrow in
hide the truth
and we’ll flaunt your sins
a battlecry, for the here and now
we will strike you down

denial of service
deceiver of purpose
the surface is scratched
and the lines are blurred
infecting the network
in corners, as they lurk
behind the guise
of the mindless herd

lives under watchful eyes

jagged horizons
fate waits with a severed tongue
punctured skylines
dark stars and an onyx sun

focus, concentrate
feel where they will strike next
let them all play worker bees
for the queen that lies in rest
tighten the strings
on the marionette
there’s power if they want it
just make sure its near the nest

targets to rubble
questions remain unanswered
forcing salt into bleeding wounds
and where you hide
we will find you
no remorse from the
unthinking womb
and are you happy
is it all you wanted
to scorch away all that the harvest yields
and are you happy
a king of nothing
but empires of empty fields

biometric interface
overwrite anomalies
hypodermic retrograde
give the creature a new face

beating, slowly
there’s something trapped inside
its the call of the mindto construct and refine
beating, thrashing
there’s something trapped inside
Its the will to adaptand the need to survive

we can rebuild, you
make you better, make you new
we can rebuild, you
reconfigure, at will

we can rebuild (x2)

the flesh is weak, but the mind is strong
born into bondage, into thralldom
so come break away, from what you know
kill the external, escape the shell
the flesh is weak but the mind is strong
the shell is blind, but the eyes live on
so come cast aside, all your tainted doubts
become eternal, upgrade yourself

beating, slowly
there’s something trapped inside
its the howl of the fleshat the end of its life
beating, thrashing
there’s something trapped inside
its the rush of the netas the pain is denied

wandering, aimless, waiting
for the crowds to come out
and greet the night with madness

and every little thing here is glistening
the underground is calling me
and there are patterns in the message
but are they listening

and there’s no sun in electric city
there’s no love in the glimmer of uptown
there’s no sun in electric city
but the lights here they never go down

the city speaks, a heart caught beating
the air alive, with a pulse repeating
indistinct, ill-defined
uncontrolled, unconfined

hollow, desolate, waiting
for the figures in the dark
to fill the streets with laughter

and every little thing here is glistening
the underground is calling me
and there are patterns in the message
but are they listening

I’m still awake whilst the world is asleep (x16)
I’m still awake whilst the world is sleeping

Broken Hearts Corporate Minds

another day goes by
without sorrow
without healing
without joy
only the comfort that tomorrow
will bring the same again

another day goes by
without violence
without terror
without joy
a hundred faces as clear as before
suffer the same fate

the lights on the water, dragging me down
into the abyss of the monster I am
pushing to break all the filters I cast
writhing, brooding and thrashing about
splitting at edges so frail and thin
a dirty little crack runs up my skin
beneath the black armor of which I am bound
this dirty little suit to match my crown

don’t show your face to me (x4)

and you smile when you’re lonely
like its all you’ve ever known
taking refuge in the rising decay
collecting words from the book
no longer in your heart
just to rip them all to pieces
and burn them away

another year goes by
without solace
without peace
without rest
only the screaming of the abandoned
hiding in my head

another year goes by
without kindness
without heroes
without rest
a hundred faces as clear as before
and the horror they expressed

under the surface
infest the circuit
subvert (subvert)
the grid (the grid)
excite (excite)
the wounds


and all your prayers
lost amongst the weeds
and I am there
just to cull the seed
chemical fires
struck ablaze
unsated desires
we feel no pain


no mercy for the wicked
no mercy for the weak
no anger for the dead
no dying words to speak
no mercy for the wicked
no mercy for the weak
no anger for the loss
of the buried and the meek


collapse a dream made whole
take back what they seek
rise up and take it all
falling is not defeat
collapse a dream made whole
no mercy for the weak
rise up and take it all
falling is not defeat


subvert the grid
excite the wounds
strike out, unbind
release, exhume
subvert the grid
distort, abuse
strike out, unbind
release, consume

just like the stars
we’re burning out
beacons drifting
beneath grey clouds
a carnival of souls
seek absolution
a land once young
now fed on ruin

zealots and fiends
mindless routines
this happiness we synthesize
a conduit for all the lies
center of entropy
building vile entities
follow blindly, their regime
endless cycle, no release

we are crazed
blind, torn and burnt
but we are violent
a message to be heard
and when the wolves,
the wolves of wall street
are running, running on empty
we’ll fight back
with the fires of hell
be sure, we will rebel

vengeance and pride
powers collide
our coalitions rampage
a brand new judas center-stage
criminal activity
crowd control and tear gas
bottled smoke to move the masses
I say, you say, lets play dead

push us, we will push back
and bruise us, we won’t hold back
because to much power is never enough
the dollar bill is stained with blood
and those who stray will surely find
a carousel of punctured minds

they say there’s nothing like a little bit of conflict
to push the trade
they say there’s nothing like a little bit of unrest
to close the sale
hey say there’s nothing like a little bit of bloodshed
to cure a drought
they say there’s no harm in sleeping on hollow ground

they say there’s nothing like a little bit of interest
to slow decay
they say there’s nothing like a little bit of fire
to clear the way
they say there’s nothing like a little bit of war
to end the doubt
they say there’s no harm in sleeping on hollow ground

daisy cutter, this is war
heaven shudders, the cries ignored
daisy cutter, this is war
a cold black thunder, a trojan horse

my wrath upon you shoulders
my noose around your neck
I’ll pack your heart with snakes
and I’ll take back what’s left
bow down now to your master
or we’ll throw you to the crows
I’ll build a case of sudden death
and drop it on you whole

an exodus from empathy
a little death in you and me
all to the sound of our dirty money
a vision cast of dreadful things
blind death, without wings
manufactured homicide,
a fractured sky

tell me your name boy
tell me your big, big plans
and I’ll tell you mine
tell me your future
and I’ll give you just one chance
to tell me a lie
well best you be careful
with all those big, big plans
as yours is now mine
and I’ll stab you in the back boy
just give me one big chance
and I’ll rip out your eyes

supply and demand
the temple of man
that’s what its all about
why don’t you read about,
the coming of christ
this little device
there’s nothing left of you
all but the plastic in your eyes

all but the plastic in your eyes…

and like birds to a scarecrow
we’re gonna lend you all the trust in the world
oh we’ll watch as you scream and you shout
and we’ll pretend like we never knew

cause boy you mean nothing, nothing at all,
in this big, bad world of mine
well thank you for suffering
you’ve done us all proud-
now fuck off and die

turn over

there it is again, our great deity
in full colour, high definition RGB
cold and meaningless, staring back at me
just an avatar, on a computer screen

work work work
harder, longer, faster
just remember- time is a factor,
and you’re behind,
you’re behind and there’s no way out
work work work
harder, longer, faster
just remember- that you don’t matter,
you don’t matter to them

and what’s good for them is good for us
and what’s good for us is good for me
and what’s good for me is good for you
because you mean nothing

scumsucker (x8)

too many days have passed since,
you felt alive
too long spent thinking back to,
other times
but the clouds that you see now,
will never fall away
you’ve stepped too far into
the thick and dark decay

they are the needle, and we are the flesh
we have a weakness, that they know best
printed in bold, from start to end
the little black numbers on our latest pay check
tell them all secrets, tell them all lies
get them to sign on the dotted grey line
cause they know nothing of your wretched deeds
oh you and your kin are a spineless breed

scumsucker (x8)

children running
racing seraphim
moving forward
faster, grey and thin
losing perception
ignorant and hostile
fallacies multiplying
insolence and trojan smiles

draining slowly
cold and seething
step back and force it down
to keep me dreaming
falling slowly
feeling nothing
I cut myself a mouth
to keep me breathing

fighting a winning battle, losing a war
no hope before us for a kinder world

fighting a winning battle
losing a war
no hope before us for a kinder world
but what a beautiful way to burn
what a beautiful way to burn (x3)

the memories of the past
take their place amongst the hopeless
as you tighten your grip
just to stay in control
and your heart skips a beat
as the world you know collapses
as you tie off your veins
just to steady the flow

students of ignorance
eating holes in our defense
tying tighter tourniquets
praise the god asphyxiant
hellion (x4)

a grace that tears a void
movement our eyes avoid
the strain,
our bridges collapsing
and through the throat of drought
I’ll show you where we drowned
a fever relapsing

Falling Through Dystopia

smoke stacks
black skies
they do not listen
they do not see
falling helpless
to their demise
drowning us in hypocrisy

heavy toxins
a dark embrace
the air stained with jealousy
as the rock cries out
no hiding place
mankind falls to its knees

ten thousand megaton
weapons of destruction
mindless war-child
one by one
step into the fire
you are not the only one
human nature
your deeds undone

break the dementia
break the dementia
break the dementia
break the dementia
tear us apart

I pray for you but I fear
you’re too far gone
no hiding place
no refuge
no freedom song

blood red
green-house effect
we’ve got to break the dementia
this place your death
there’s nothing left
we’ve got to break the dementia

government secret
failed experiments
suffering at your expense
the death of innocence

genomic distortions
malicious bio-science
moral extortion
raise in blood, your defiance

encrypted genetics
this hatred frenetic
solutions embedded
this culture synthetic

abrasive contagions
corrupt DNA
unstable foundations
this sea of decay
places once sacred
have now been defiled
destructive carnations
their bodies in piles

violent and reckless this world overrun
brothers and sisters what have we become
arrogance and insolence the price of our lives
illuminating that which we harbor inside

raise your hands in defiance
will you die for this
save your life
save your mind
from the devil’s kiss

raise your hands in defiance
you will not die for me
save your life
save your mind

marching, single-file
soldiers of democracy
here in the heart of corruption
breeding new killing machines

marching, single-file
soldiers of democracy
politics their ammunition
feeding on our enemies

it’s just another way to violate
just another way to violate
another way to violate
as we force pandora’s hand

it’s just another way to violate
just another way to violate
another way to violate
their god given land

burning bodies
fading souls
all in the name of good intentions
taking lives
stating control
openly poisoning generations

setting a line
simply to cross it
making us blind
simply to pocket
it’s just another way to violate
fifth column, third force, seventh day

this flag of moral upheaval
takes heed of foreign evil
punishing what they don’t understand
to protect our god-given land

turning away as they suffer
congratulating one another
on their pretty new infrastructure
as liberty lies dying in a gutter

crowds of people
stores and malls
merchandize that stains the walls
money money money
they hear it call
none of which will help them
when they fall

worshiping the dollar sign
two months later and the noose is tight
no reason to live
no signs of life
crowds of people with empty eyes

there’s nothing left inside

shaped like a mosque and just as tall
looks like a church but its a mall
they come here to worship
they come here to dream
they come here to purchase
like heartless machines

pop music living but real music dead
nameless tunes are running through my head
helpless against the state i’m in
of endless hate and mindless sin

our religion

twenty-two dollars buys you compilations
a hundred dollars more and it’s information
just two dollars: the head of satan
fueled by glories of dark filtration

come now people
gotta dress for the occasion
tight shirts short skirts
sacrilege and blasphemy
money money money
will make them bleed

they don’t know me
they don’t hear me
they don’t know me

lone wolves
dead to the world
seeking shelter
they have not found it
thrust into the blinding cold

further and further astray
further and further away
their fragile minds enslaved
their broken hearts cannot be saved

we are stray dogs
just stray dogs
we are the children of rage
we are stray dogs
just stray dogs
we are but decay

come little red riding hood
into my home to play
come closer now little girl
I know you’re afraid

as i drain your innocence away
as i take control
as i take your body into mine
as i stain your soul

the angels
rise above me
this lone wolf sentenced to death
the angels
they told me
we’re drawing closer and closer
with every breath

further and further astray
further and further away
their fragile minds enslaved
their broken hearts cannot be saved


our creation

the human race
it ends here
our final tears
the skies
burn with an endless fear
death is near

the phoenix will never rise again
the sun will never shine again
on this pitiful rock of sin
we are fallen


amongst a marketplace of bustling faces
a little girl with wide eyes wanders
aimlessly she stares at the decent of those around her
as they seek happiness in vein
she’s cold and she’s forgotten
and no single soul exists that will weep for her
or call her name



she drifts across the sky
directionless like an ember unleashed
into the endless night
she’s innocent
but her wounds still bleed
its so cold outside, so cold outside

she fights a lonely battle
against the tears, against the rage
crushed like an innocent flower
against the soil, against the grey
her heart is cradling cyclones
lying broken and twisted
against the fray

she fights a lonely battle
crushed like an innocent flower
her heart is cradling cyclones
maybe she’s dying

left alone
through the rush
this innocence
that we have crushed
taking from them
what remains
stealing time
to ease their pain

how many more will believe in you
how many more lives will you take
how many more have trusted you
how many lives shall you forsake

behind closed eyes
your vanity hides
draining your life
through the darkest of night
the blood of man
shall pay for your crimes
forever void of lament

witness your hatred and
witness your crimes
mourn for the lost
at the end of their lives
weep for the judged and
plead for salvation
your twisted glories
shall destroy this nation

justice conflicts
in a meaningless system
ones become zeros
with zero regret
just statistics
that’s all we are to them
numbers on paper
controlled and condemned

tears amongst ashes
blood through the eyes of god
weapons to defend
what we’ve already lost
tears amongst ashes
blood through the eyes of god
weapons to defend
these dreams that we forgot

the final remnants of your legacy
slowly slip away like a forgotten dream
the blood of man shall pay
for what you’ve done today
as we call through the dust

is there anybody out there


every machine’s a smoke machine
if you run it hard, if you treat it mean
every machine’s a smoke machine
so come light it up
you and me
every machine’s a smoke machine
if you mess it up, if you treat it mean
every machine’s a smoke machine
so come burn it up
you and me

every machine’s a smoke machine
every machine’s a smoke machine
so come light it up

come, come light it up
come, come light it up now

i’m slipping through like the punks on the street
with the wires in their brains slowly cooking the meat
we’re going down
we’re losing out

lost inside of my head, disconnected
from the light that rises and sets over cities
so endless
so vast and infinite
i wanna bring it down
i wanna bring it down

you slag-sucking, backstabbing, son of a bitch
you greedy little son of a whore
none of you really deserve all this
yea even you deserve more

with soiled crops, we prepare the harvest
a poison fit for kings
a fitting end to the vermin we are
and all the pain we bring

your god
your spirit
your love
your cage
your fear
your hatred
your strength
your rage
none of it means anything
when you turn away
and deny tomorrow
they are strong
but you are stronger
stand up tall and fight the trauma

your heart pushed to the brink
hope lost amongst the bleed
buried like your better days
past lives, nothing to follow
dark days to come, living in vein
jumping at shadows,
when the devil knows you name
there’s nothing left, nothing to follow

seditious unrest
malicious intent
don’t believe a word they say
they’re lying to you (x3)
compress what they divide

she moves beneath synthetic skys
where hollow people sacrifice
serenity for modern life
to demigods of steel and wire

shes on the move now to amend
vile deeds from vanished men
and from their hell she will ascend
to levels they can’t comprehend

she’s a chimera
she’s a machine
more than human
something in between
she’s known it all now from the very start
she’s got a motorcycle helmet for a heart

she’s a chimera
she’s a machine
more than human
she’s splitting at the seams
her movement slowing as she falls apart
she’s got a motorcycle helmet for a heart

sleeping in the age of terror
boys and girls now look alive
your scorn cannot be measured
zero love and zero drive


sleeping in the age of terror
boys and girls now look alive
come now and band together
we must, we must unite


the night is ours
unite devour
we’ll never give in
unite and resist

the night is ours
come now raise hell
we’ll never give in
unite and resist


the night is ours
unite devour
we’ll never give in
unite and resist

the night is ours
come now raise hell
we’ll never give in
unite and resist


yes you- officer in blue
why don’t you stick around for a minute or two
yes you- mr speaker green
we’ve got forests to log and mouths to feed
yes you- to the suit in grey,
why don’t you turn around and show me your face
yes you- to the kid in black
we’ve got a message to send and a town to take back


the night is ours


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